Our Board
Our Board of Directors is comprised of eight local government officials and five members-at-large appointed by the Provincial Government. The Board sets the strategic vision, approves the strategic plan, approves the annual budget, sets the investment policies and allocations, ensures financial oversight, and oversees the CEO, who is responsible for carrying out the activities outlined in the annual operating plan. The Board is committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion, and encourages partnerships with the organizations and First Nations in the region with similar goals and mandates.
Regional Advisory Committees
There are two Regional Advisory Committees (RACs), which consist of local government officials and MLAs from throughout the ETSI-BC service area. The regions represented by the RACs are as follows:
Thompson-Okanagan Regional Advisory Committee: This RAC has established a membership that includes 18 members, 15 of which are local elected officials from the 6 Regional Districts in their region, and 3 of which are MLAs. The region includes the Thompson-Nicola, Central Okanagan, Okanagan-Similkameen Regional Districts, plus a portion of the Columbia-Shuswap and Fraser Valley Regional Districts.
Columbia-Kootenay Regional Advisory Committee: This RAC has established a membership that includes 12 members, 10 of which are local elected officials from the 4 Regional Districts in their region, and 2 of which are MLAs. The region includes the East Kootenay, West Kootenay, and Kootenay Boundary Regional Districts plus a portion of the Columbia-Shuswap Regional District.
As per our enabling legislation, the roles of the Regional Advisory Committees are to:
- Appoint/elect members as Directors to the Trust Board
- Provide advice to the Board on projects suitable for Trust funding
- Establish the terms of office for members of each RAC
- Provide opportunities for communities and regional district areas with populations under 500 to be represented on the RAC.