
ETSI-BC Announces Major Increase in Funding Levels for 2025

The Economic Trust of the Southern Interior (ETSI-BC) is pleased to announce that its Board has approved new grant allocation levels for its Spring and Fall Funding Intakes, effective immediately.

The Spring 2025 Funding Intake is currently open for applications, and up to $1 million in funding from ETSI-BC is available, an increase of 60% from the prior year. In addition to increasing the Funding Intake allocation, maximum grant sizes will increase to:

  • $25K for a small project (up from $20K), and
  • $75K for a large project (up from $50K).

Eligible organizations for ETSI-BC funding continue to include the area’s local governments, First Nations, non-profit industry groups and established non-profit business support organizations based in the region, such as Chambers of Commerce and Community Futures.

The ETSI-BC Spring Funding Intake will accept applications for its Building Economic Development Capacity and its Innovating & Advancing Key Sectors funding streams until April 11, 2025 at 4 pm. Make sure to review our updated Application Guide. To learn more, please CLICK HERE.

“This significant funding increase demonstrates our continued commitment to fostering economic growth and diversification across the Southern Interior,” said Paul Donald, ETSI-BC Board Chair. “By raising the maximum grant limits as well, we are enabling more substantial projects to create lasting positive impacts for our communities, particularly in the smaller rural and First Nations areas where economic development resources are often limited.”

This increase in the ETSI-BC Spring and Fall Funding Intakes is being complemented by other increases in support that ETSI-BC will be providing in the region. Its overall grant budget is increasing by more than 70% and will also include a targeted program to help companies in the region to diversify their markets away from the US, which is expected to be launched with a key partner in the coming weeks.

Laurel Douglas, the CEO of ETSI-BC, notes, “Our expanded funding capacity comes at a critical time for our region. As communities work to support their businesses to diversify markets and build resilience, these enhanced resources will help the economy of the Southern Interior of BC to adapt to the new challenges we are now facing.”

Learn more about ETSI-BC Funding Streams:

The Building Economic Development Capacity Program focuses on empowering communities to achieve their economic aspirations and fostering new economic development initiatives. This program prioritizes small, rural, and First Nations communities to build their economic development capacity. To learn more, CLICK HERE.

The Innovating and Advancing Key Sectors Program supports strategic investments in regional sector-based economic development projects. This program aims to stimulate industry clusters, support industry sector groups to address challenges and opportunities, and encourage environmental sustainability and the transition to a Net Zero economy. Priority is given to regional industry partnerships in key established or emerging sectors in the Southern Interior region.  To learn more, CLICK HERE.


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