Film producers have been coming to the Kootenays for years to capture the area’s diverse natural beauty and rural culture as the backdrop for productions. To fully harness the economic opportunities associated with a robust filming environment, Community Futures Central Kootenay (CFCK) conducted a feasibility study to explore the challenges and opportunities around growing the sector. The project, supported by the Economic Trust of the Southern Interior (ETSI-BC) shows that with the right infrastructure in place, including a local film studio, significantly more filming can be attracted to the region.
Expanding Tourism Options in the Columbia Valley
During the pandemic, the Lakeshore Resort and Campground in the Columbia Valley, which is owned by the Akisqnuk First Nation (AFN), had to close. Since then, a plan was needed to return this important tourism asset for the region and make it a stronger, more sustainable business and tourism contributor. In 2023, the Economic Trust of the Southern Interior (ETSI-BC) supported a feasibility study to explore the best way to do this. The study led to a partial opening of the campsite in 2024, and economic benefits are already being realized through infrastructure improvements, new services, and exciting cultural experiences.
Collaboration Thrives Through Economic Development Practitioners Network
Over the last twelve years, the Kootenay Boundary Economic Development Practitioners Network (EDPN) has made a name for itself as a unique grassroots organization bringing together key stakeholders across the Columbia Basin/Boundary region. With support from the Economic Trust of the Southern Interior (ETSI-BC), it has been another year of growth and expansion for this active and engaged network of professionals.
Thompson Nicola Film Commission Captures New Landscapes and Film Productions
The stunning and diverse landscapes of the Thompson Nicola Valley are the backdrop for the area’s growing film production industry, resulting in millions of dollars invested in the region through new filming activity. Current, high-quality images are essential to attracting productions to the area, but many location landscapes have changed in recent years due to fires, flooding, ageing and development. The Economic Trust of the Southern Interior (ETSI-BC) supported an update to the Thompson-Nichola Film Commission’s photo libraries, which boasts over 7,000 new images.
Artisan Beverage Producers Explore Job Sharing to Address Workforce Shortages
Workforce shortages are one of the top issues for wineries, breweries, cideries and distilleries in the artisan beverage industry. The Business Alliance for Artisan Fermenters and Distillers has taken an innovative approach to address the issue through a feasibility study exploring job sharing among these agri-businesses. The study, supported by the Economic Trust of the Southern Interior (ETSI-BC), has opened minds to a unique approach and identified new opportunities for a more resilient, sustainable artisan beverage sector.
Revitalizing the Events Sector in the Creston Valley and Kootenay Lake
Tourism, including community events, is a major economic generator In the Creston Valley-Kootenay Lake area of the Kootenays, but the events sector has been slower to recover in the post-COVID era. With the support of an Event Coordinator, the industry has been reinvigorated and a new long-term events strategy created to ensure it remains strong and bring economic benefits to the area. This role was supported with a grant from the Economic Trust of the Southern Interior (ETSI-BC).
A Game Changing Approach to Tourism Marketing in the Columbia Valley
The Columbia Valley, known for its stunning landscapes and welcoming communities, thrives on tourism, with key attractions like Radium Hot Springs, Panorama, and Invermere. The Columbia Valley Tourism Marketing Society (CVTMS) was established to unify tourism marketing and manage the Municipal and Regional District Tax (MRDT), a crucial funding source for local programs and events. With support from the Economic Trust of the Southern Interior (ETSI-BC), a cohesive marketing strategy was developed, leading to the launch of the Travel Columbia Valley website and enhanced collaboration among businesses. This unified approach has sparked economic growth and new ventures like Radium Brewing, bolstering year-round tourism and regional development.
Beyond the River – Greater Trail Builds a New Tourism Sector
An innovative tourism development project with a buy-local component is providing economic benefits in the Greater Trail area of the South Kootenay region. Diverse stakeholders came together to create the “Beyond the River” campaign which promotes the area’s world-class sport fishing opportunities to attract more visitors throughout the year. Supported by the Economic Trust of the Southern Interior (ETSI-BC), the highly collaborative project is increasing tourism capacity, and provides a foundation to support future projects that will help grow the local economy.
Thompson-Okanagan Team Takes to the World Stage to Address Workforce Shortages
The Thompson-Okanagan region is a well-known Canadian tourist destination, it is not immune to the shortage of skilled workers experienced in many Canadian communities. International recruitment is considered a key tool for addressing worker shortages in the area. With the support of the Economic Trust of the Southern Interior (ETSI-BC), three major economic development organizations collaborated to market the region at the world’s largest emigration event in Houten, Netherlands in 2023. The initiative has led to an ongoing strategy to attract new talent and help the region grow and thrive.
North Shore Business Improvement Association Validates Return on Investment
Kamloops’ North Shore Business Improvement Association (NSBIA) has grown significantly since its inception, but after almost three decades, it was time to validate its strategic direction and value proposition to members and stakeholders. With the support of the Economic Trust of the Southern Interior (ETSI-BC), the NSBIA conducted a Membership Engagement and Return on Investment Project in 2022 which confirmed its good work and where the organization goes next.