
Peachland Pursues Downtown Revitalization to Keep Pace with Growth

The charming community of Peachland, situated on a stunning stretch of waterfront on Okanagan Lake, has big plans for its future. The community has been growing rapidly and is focussed on major infrastructure improvements and a revitalization strategy for its downtown.

The project has completed two of four phases, bringing the community closer to having a new Downtown Redevelopment Implementation Strategy (DRIS) by the fall of 2024. The DRIS will outline the vision, goals and objectives for downtown Peachland and the regulatory framework essential to guide growth and development.

Joe Creron, Chief Administrative Officer for the District of Peachland says, “Although we continue to experience record development and building activity, most development has taken place outside of downtown and some key services have also relocated away from the area. Currently downtown is a mix of commercial and mainly single-family residential properties with under-utilized lots.”

The project is a long-awaited update to the District of Peachland’s Sustainable Downtown Plan adopted in 2010. It is based on extensive public consultation and analyses of population growth, trade areas, retail and housing demand, and recreational and educational opportunities. “The DRIS It will optimize available land for its highest and best use while considering what the community values most and the new economic reality,” adds Creron.

Ensuring a Realistic, Achievable Plan

The Economic Trust of the Southern Interior (ETSI-BC) supported the project through its Building Economic Development Capacity funding stream as a large-scale project that provides in-depth planning for a small community. The funding was used to create an Economic Land Use Analysis (ELUA) and a Retail Review for the community.

The ELUA, developed by Urban Systems, is a ‘how to’ document for updating regulations and taking actions to grow Peachland’s downtown. It includes financial analyses prepared for three sites using different development scenarios and identifies categories best suited to a downtown location.

The Retail Review provides an inventory of the space being used for retail purposes, 60 percent of which are located in downtown Peachland. It also includes an analysis of retail demand within 10 years, insight to the unique factors affecting retail demand, and potential solutions.

Community Task Force to Guide Council

A Downtown Revitalization Task Force was established by Peachland City Council in late 2023 to provide guidance to Council and staff during the creation of the DRIS. The Task Force, a short-term advisory group that includes volunteer business owners, landowners, Peachland residents, and representatives for recreation and culture, will draft the implementation strategy for Council’s consideration in September, 2024.

Citizen surveys have consistently shown that Peachland residents prize their waterfront and want to build on the community’s interface with the water. A mix of small businesses and boutique shopping are desired to preserve the downtown’s character, as well as housing diversity, and the pedestrian friendly environment enjoyed by residents and visitors alike.

“The economic benefits of downtown revitalization projects, such as this one in Peachland are wide-reaching,” says Laurel Douglas, CEO of ETSI-BC. “While formalizing the vision of Peachland residents for a vibrant downtown, it will create more diversified commercial offerings, retain existing businesses and attract new ones, bringing new investment and economic opportunities to the community and the region.”

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