BCMeats has a long history of supporting the province’s meat industry (producers, processors, retailers, butcher shops and chefs) who collectively provide sustainable and safe meats for BC consumers. The association provides advocacy and professional development, as well as encouraging partnerships in the meat value chain. The issue of food security and rising consumer demand for local food is the inspiration behind a pilot project by BCMeats in the North Okanagan. The project will raise the profile of regional producers and processors, making it easier for consumers to source the products they want, and it aims to be a model for cluster development in other parts of the province. This project was funded by the Economic Trust of the Southern Interior (ETSI-BC), through its Innovating & Advancing Key Sectors funding stream.
Here are some regional success stories to inspire your next economic development project.
Marketing “Kootenay Approved” Outdoor Recreational Gear to the World
The vibrant lifestyle and culture of the Kootenays is the inspiration for the “Kootenay Approved” marketing campaign by the Kootenay Outdoor Recreation Enterprise Society (KORE), a 70-member alliance of outdoor recreation gear makers from across the Kootenay region. With a presence at the annual Banff Mountain Film and Book Festival to promotional videos, advertisements and blogs, the campaign sees KORE collaborating with partners in economic development and tourism to promote the region’s people, places, and products. The project is the latest KORE initiative supported by the Economic Trust of the Southern Interior (ETSI-BC).
Kamloops Food Hub Creates a Stir with Regional Supply Chain Initiative
In rural areas of BC, food hubs are an important way for local producers to grow their businesses through kitchen and equipment rentals, networking, mentoring and more. One food hub in the Southern Interior of BC is The Stir in Kamloops, an initiative of the Kamloops Food Policy Council. In addition to providing access to commercial kitchen, the Kamloops Food Policy Council is leading a region-wide food supply chain project, with funding from the Economic Trust of the Southern Interior. The project is helping producers in the Thompson Nicola Valley to market and distribute their products more efficiently and effectively, while also increasing access to local grown food.
Inspiring Example of Collaboration that Nurtures New Entrepreneurs
Behind many successful entrepreneurs in the Southern Interior region are post-secondary institutions that provide entrepreneurial training. A powerful example is the Kootenay Entrepreneurship Program (KEP), which is the result of a unique partnership between Selkirk College, College of the Rockies and the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology (KAST). These organizations decided to work together to broaden entrepreneurial skills development for youth, students and recent graduates in the Kootenay region. With support from the Economic Trust of the Southern Interior (ETSI-BC), the highly collaborative project is inspiring new products, businesses, services and jobs within the region.
Okanagan Study Explores Opportunities for Solar-Powered Communities
As increasing electricity costs and regulatory restrictions encourage the transition to solar energy, the Okanagan Circular Society (OCS) is demonstrating an innovative approach to community solar adoption. A feasibility study by the OCS confirmed the economic benefits of moving to community-powered solar in the region and it has created a scalable framework for implementing solar that builds community wealth and well-being. The Economic Trust of the Southern Interior (ETSI-BC) supported the 2024 study.
Better Data Makes for Better Business Support in Castlegar
The Castlegar Chamber of Commerce needed a new economic development tool that would help the organization better support the community’s existing businesses and support its capacity to grow. The unique customer relationship management system (CRM), developed by the Castlegar Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the BC Economic Development Association (BCEDA), has enabled key information to be gathered and analysed, as part of the Chamber’s Business Retention and Attraction Strategy, which was supported by the Economic Trust of the Southern Interior (ETSI-BC).
BC’s Central Interior has a New Regional Business Accelerator Service
After more than a decade helping entrepreneurs start up and grow, the Kamloops Innovation business accelerator has a new name, brand and communications plan to help broaden its reach throughout the Thompson, Nicola and Cariboo regions. Its new brand as the Central Interior Business Accelerator (CIBA) demonstrates its commitment to its entire region to help build entrepreneurial capacity and pave the way for more small and medium-sized businesses to adopt technology, increase productivity and efficiency, and retain and create jobs. The Economic Trust of the Southern Interior (ETSI-BC) provided funding for this re-branding and strategic communications project.
Network of Economic Development Practitioners Growing in the Thompson-Okanagan with the Help of ETSI-BC
Read more about Robyn Cyr and the Thompson-Okanagan EDPN.
Oliver’s Station Street Plaza Plan Drives Downtown Revitalization
The Town of Oliver is advancing its downtown revitalization efforts with an updated Station Street Plaza Plan. The project aims to transform underutilized land into a mixed-use area with housing and businesses. This initiative, part of a broader economic development strategy, seeks to create a vibrant community hub and attract new residents and businesses to the town center. The project was supported during FY2024 with funding from the Economic Trust of the Southern Interior (ETSI-BC).
District of Elkford Puts New Economic Development Strategy into Action
From its beginnings as a mining town in the early 1970s on the eastern edge of the Kootenays, Elkford is now home to diverse businesses, adventure tourism and a high quality of life. To manage the area’s growth and to develop emerging sectors, the District of Elkford recently created an Economic Development Strategy that builds on years of community planning and research. The ambitious project, carried out with support from the Economic Trust of the Southern Interior (ETSI-BC), is already having positive impacts and will serve the community for years to come.